Sunday 6 July 2008

Non-packaged food

In an attempt to repay the environment for a plastic bag habit which is proving difficult to break, My Eco Self decides to have a week buying non-packaged food. I make preparations and take a Tupperware box to the butchers.
“Can I have a Welsh organic lamb chop please, in this box?” I ask.
“Is this the new packed lunch then?” he jokes, trying to find a chop which fits the smallish box.
“It doesn’t quite fit” he adds.
“Can you cut off a bit then?” I insist, after I've handed over money for the whole thing.
I bump into Food Neurotic Friend on the street outside and encourage him to stop for a wheatgrass shot and acai berry smoothie at the health food shop’s cafe nearby.
“What exactly is the point of this exercise?” asks FNF.
“There’s so much excess waste these days,” I say earnestly. “Can I write a piece about it for your newspaper?”
Before FNF has time to remind me that being friends with him doesn’t guarantee any favours, I open my bag to find the lamb is leaking all over an expensive leather handbag.
“Ugh,” I wince, defaulting on my share of the bill to run home and try and deal with the lamb-stained lining.

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