Thursday 7 August 2008

An eco wedding # 1

My Eco Self has just attended my first green and eco wedding. “We’ve donated to a Climate care charity in lieu of wedding favours,” reports the card printed on recycled paper on each table. The happy couple set up a website to encourage lift-sharing to the venue in Wales. I’m impressed. The food is outstanding, with a hybrid minivan transporting us from the church to the reception. The menu is serving locally sourced, seasonal vegetables and organic Welsh lamb, with a chocolate wedding cake made from Fair Trade sugar and chocolate and with organic flour. Guests are directed to a meadow nearby to pick wildflowers for their own table displays, and there’s home-made elderflower cordial in vintage jugs on each table. There’s even a picture display in the corner showing the farm where the lamb came from, complete with names and identities that I have to tactfully steer a vegetarian friend away from.
“I prefer it when they have embarrassing childhood photos,” I whisper to Food Neurotic Friend, a mutual friend of the betrothed.

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